Converse Music
Decades of history have linked Converse and Music, from Elvis to The Strokes, from the stage to the studio; this association is as recognisable today as it has ever been. is looking for creative writers across the UK.
Do you enjoy going to watch new bands, listening to the hottest new music, chatting online and think you have an eye for the next big thing?
If the answer is yes then you could be what we’re looking for.
Head over to and if you think you’ve got what it takes email and we’ll get back to you with more details…
What do you get out of all this?
Well you’ll be associated with the coolest shoe brand on the planet, we’ll give you a camera to snap gigs you’re going to and sort you a Converse Music press pass…oh and we’ll also give you some new shoes to show off to your friends…
You in?