Which album would make for the best Don't Look Back treatment?
Which one would really get people going? That April Fool's gag about Relationship of Command showed one that would generate a lot of excitement. I was considering some of those classic 90s albums, like Loveless or OK Computer, but I'm not sure that either of those (though they'd undoubtedly be good) would add as much to the experience, given that the tracks from both of those albums get a pretty reasonable airing live anyway. The most sought after (after perhaps Abbey Road and In Utero, heh) is probably something like In The Aeroplane Over The Sea. My pick, after listening to it yesterday and having this internal monologue, would be Godspeed's Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven. Hearing that in full in a really great venue (for acoustics) would be amazing.
What's your pick for dream Don't Look Back album?