Suggestions of little known stuff to see at GREAT ESCAPE?
So, there are lots of bands even I've not heard of before. Am working my way through them but looking for suggestions of stuff to see from the 300+ acts.
First bit i recommend from my browsing thus far is: (for fans of Radio Dept, shoegazer bits of No Age, more electronic end of Deerhunter)
also if you've not heard them before have a listen to (for fans of icelandic bands, Stars, swoopiness) (for fans of nick cave, mars volta, theatrics) (for fans of bat for lashes, patrick wolf, epic retribution) (crazily under-rated kiwis on rough trade)
oh and if you missed the mega 55 tracks from 55 acts great escpae playlist i (lazily, lulz) bashed together, with stuff like emmy the great on it, it's here:
who do you suggest me and other dissers should see? will be doing more preview stuff on the site this week