Shamelessly stolen from another forum
What would be the soundtrack to your life? Choose a song you find fitting to each event. Here's the template:
Opening credits:
Waking up:
Average day:
First date:
Falling in love:
Love scene:
Fight scene:
Breaking up:
Getting back together:
Secret love:
Life's okay:
Mental breakdown:
Learning a lesson:
Deep thought:
Happy dance:
Long night alone:
Death scene:
Closing credits:
Here are my choices.. though I expect to think of better ones over and over!!
Opening credits: Sinnerman - Nina Simone
Waking up: Sit Down Stand Up - Radiohead
Average day: I'm Not there - Bob Dylan
First date: Touch me i am sick - Mudhoney
Falling in love: Hyper-balland - Bjork
Love scene: Outdoor Miner - Wire (its really short)
Fight scene: The Champ - Ghostface Killa
Breaking up: One more Hour - Sleater Kinney
Getting back together: Post to wire - Richmond Fontaine
Secret love: Lazy Line Painter Jane - Belle and Sebastian
Life's okay: Indian Summer - Beat Happening
Mental breakdown: I typed for Miles - Jets to Brazil
Driving: More than a feeling - Boston (anyone that does not pick this is lying)
Learning a lesson: When we were Young - Whipping Boy
Deep thought: Woozy with cider - James Yorkston
Flashback: Teenage Riot - Sonic Youth
Partying: Animal Party - King Khan and the Shrines
Happy dance: Bridhouse in my Soul - They might be Giants
Regreting: Hope there's someone - antony and the johnsons
Long night alone: Sister Sneaker, Sister Soul - My Latest Novel
Death scene: I See a Darkness - Bonnie "prince" Billy
Closing credits: Is that all there is? - Peggy Lee