Zombi = YES. Zombie Zombie = HELL YES! Zomby = Nah... The Zombies = Dunno
Rob Zombie = err... films? You tell me
A thread where we talk about the various acts that have the word 'Zombie' (or variations of) in their name.
Zombi: My flatmate introduced me to these a few weeks back, incredible sci-fi/horror-esque soundtrack prog, and I'm in love. Surface To Air is the best of the two I've heard, really should be used as the musical accompaniment to an epic action horror film with a futurist setting. Spirit Animal is the other I've heard, similarly perfect to be used as a soundtrack, but doesn't quite excite my imagination as Surface To Air does.
Where next?
Zombie Zombie: A Land For Renegades will be in my top five albums of this decade come the end of the year, no question. I didn't realise until I heard Zombi recently that Zombie Zombie are a bit of a rip-off/knowing nod to the former, but they do it so well, I don't suppose anyone cares. Atmospheric, driving beats, classic synth sounds, they took all the best elements of the likes of Zombi and John Carpenter's soundtrack work, and somehow, to me at least, improved upon it by making it catchy and concise and great for the dance floor too! Shame there won't be a second album.
Zomby: You can take your rave air horn and you can fuck off.
The Zombies: Any good?
Rob Zombie: Ditto?