Alcopop! at roTa /// This Saturday
Alcopopular 3 (message in a bottle) compilation launch party
RoTa in London Town, Notting Hill Arts Club - between 4 and 8pm on May 9th.
The October Game // "Magnificent - A Joy From Start To Finish” - Cool Noise Fanzine
Stagecoach // “Smart songwriting and memorable hooks. Like the lighter, classic side of emo meets Teenage Fanclub” - Rocksound
Cat Matador // “weave together mightily fine, intricate guitar-work draped in a Joy-Divisionesque kind of darkness” - BBC Oxford
My First Tooth // “EP makes you wish for a front porch, a sunset and a song of your own to sing, that could match Honesty Honestly for it’s beauty.” - Artrocker
PLUS Alcopop DJs and wheels of steel troubador - Nath T Pyle
Entrance costs approximately free Free FREE.
Should be a cracking show!