Whyyyy are you so far aaawaayyy from meeeeeee?
Aren’t Blue and Pinkerton just the best two sing-along albums ever? I’m struggling to conjure any other band that have so outrageously frontloaded their career – I know it’s oft debated which is the better of the two (I personally say Blue but Pinkerton has been catching up as of late), but I honestly am blank as to another band who have released consecutive albums of such high calibre and then dropped off thereafter. Though there are maybe a dozen really good songs littering the most recent four, the ratio just isn’t the same.
Anyway, ignore the gushing. Can anyone recommend artists or particular albums in the same vein of music? Kind of anthemic power-pop with enough solos and fuzz underpinning it to bring out that gripping feeling in your chest? When I was younger Foo Fighters filled that space neatly (and still do to some extent) and more recently my extensive exploration of Pixies has lead me down a similar path of adoration. Does anyone know what I’m getting at?