Sonic Router: Interview with Appleblim / Exclusive mix and Interview with October
and loads more of course.
Appleblim talkin about forthcoming stuff and a little on Shackleton.
Greena mix for FACT magazine / Naked Lunch mix / Simon/off mix / Skream Disfigured Dubz promo mix / Madlib @ Fabric / Hug-a-Thug mixtape / Headhunter mix for Clash Magazine / free track badman place by SMUT as some fucker bootleggend it on viynal so they are giving it away free.... / Cooly G's Hyperdub 12" / DFRNT album promo mix / free Subeena and Jamie Woon track / Computer Jay 12" words / LD Hyperdub words...
Exclusive mix and interview from wicked techno producer October its brilliant.
A truck loada stuff as always enjoy ;)