Brickface Press Issue III (Details/Liverpool Launch/JAG-centric)
Issue 3 of Brickface Press art/hxc zine is complete -
This time we have interviews with Ian Mackaye (IT IS ACE!), Throats, Tyler Bright-Hilton, and to top it all an interview with Adam Gnade accompanied by an absoulutly awesome short-story (was mega-excited about this as well!), plus lots of other things...
BRICKFACE IS FREE and limited to 250 copies this time around.
To help fund this we have another launch show planned with -
BRONTIDE and WE CAME OUT LIKE TIGERS plus art from LEGOFESTO and lots of other interesting goings on.
Its on tommorow, Friday 17th April, doors are at 7.30 and it takes place at Leaf Tea Shop and Bar, LIVERPOOL. Admission is £3.00.
If anyone would like a copy or needs directions or more info then please feel free to get in touch.
Sorry for the extended JAG!