Spare Fennesz ticket for Queen Elizabeth Hall, 21/4/09
Hi, I have a spare ticket for the Touch night at Ether on the 21st April (tuesday) featuring Fennesz, Rosy Parlane and CM von Hausswolff.
Of course, I'd love to attend myself, but unfortunately something else has come up and it's looking pretty unlikely I'll be free in time. It's in the rear stalls, row LL, but the view is unobscured, and as it's Fennesz I wouldn't think it would matter being in the rear stalls.
Anyway, face value was £15, but I'm prepared to accept reasonable offers. I can arrange to meet you in London with the ticket this weekend, or very possibly on the day of the gig around Westminster/the Southbank. If you're interested please pm me, or better still, email me at