P*tchfork's review of the Radiohead reissues
Most intriguingly:
"Maybe you don't need to buy these again, maybe you own the material already. If you do, sure-- pass. If you have the LPs but stopped there, both The Bends and OK Computer are worth getting in these versions. If you're curious or a completist, Pablo Honey is out there, too. That the band had nothing to do with these is beside the point: This is the final word on these records, if for no other reason that the Beatles' September 9 remaster campaign is, arguably, the end of the CD era. That all of those discs are coming out at the same time, rather than being slowly and ceremoniously rolled out as they were 20-odd years ago, is a tacit acknowledgment by the music industry that they best sell non-vinyl physical products now, immediately, before the prospect of doing so is gone. With that in mind, I find it wise that many bands are wisely re-organizing their pasts, or having it done for them by their label. So long as it's done like this, I'm happy to re-purchase the stuff."
Scott P makes an interesting point, but is it a bit like what some people are saying about record store day - drumming up false nostalgia for something that wasn't really that great in the first place? Or are we just resigning ourselves to the prospect of CDs "having" to go away to move with the times or whatever.
09/09/09 - the death of the CD era. DiScuss?