Writers wanted!
A while ago I posted here looking for writers in time for the relaunch of my wonderful website Muso's Guide, and had a bloody brilliant response.
And now I've found myself back here again with the very same request - the site's since metamorphosised into something far huger, so I'm after more writers in order to host even more fantastical things. Not just that, but I think it only fair than more than 50-odd people in the world should receive my regular and regularly verbose e-mails offering a glut of pre-release joys. The 50-odd can vouch for this, naturally.
As ever, no previous experience is necessary. All I ask for is an ability to write words, a little commitment and a fascination with music. Which you should qualify for, by virtue of finding this!
If that person sounds like YOU, don't be shy; pick a means of expressing an interest, a means of your choice. It can include a simple reply to this message, a wallop round the face via, a PM, a DM, a Facebook, a Bookface or an e-mail. Or a Blellow, if you're so inclined.
If e-mail is your communication of choice, an e-mail address is available on my profile.
Nat x