y'know when someone talks about a time in their life....and they're like....'i was sleeping in a car, living on crisp sandwiches with only disintengration by the cure to listen to'
or they talk about driving somewhere for ages with only one album for company.....
y'know what i mean?
or they're like.....i was 16 and only had two records so all i'd listen to is transformer by lou reed and the idiot by iggy pop, over and over and over and over and over again....
i love that idea of only having one or two albums.....and listening to it so much it becomes something else entirely....y'know?......just you and the album for company for ages
download culture....etc etc...blah blah....20 second listens to songs before we decide if we like them....etc....etc....a millions tracks shuffling on an i-pod......etc etc