Does anyone else have the problem of not liking "older" music? (with sub question)
I'm not naive enough to believe that all modern music is better than what was being produced in the 60s/70s etc. I just don't seem to get on with any of it. I'm becoming more and more convinced, that it must be something to do with production techniques and technology. Music just sounds so much better from about the mid 90s onwards.
A question relating to older music, I expect an answer from a certain Mr.Saint_Cronin on this topic - Was music as varied in the 60s for example, as it is today? Surely the longer music goes on for the more styles/genres/sub-genres there will be.
Disclaimer: Although I've been subjected to an awful lot of older music in my life, I can accept that I've only scratched the surface, but it's natural not explore things further when you've not been given any reason to do so.
Any thoughts?