Goodbye to all that (Mixtape and tape deck centric)
It's been a long time coming, but I think it's time to mothball (or sell) my NAD tapedeck. I've had it for twelve years, and it's served me well, but I play tapes less and less these days, and need the space.
I'm going to give it a good workout in the next week or so, making a final round of mixtapes. By the way, when people say mixtape and are actually referring to a list of songs as a 'metaphorical' mixtape, they're degrading a fine art. You make tapes in real time, likewise the covers for them. Also you usually specifically incorporate the presumed tastes of the listener, and adding things you think they might like takes further consideration. To have someone run off ten tracks from the top of their head with no intended recipient, and hearingg it called a "mixtape", why, that irks me.
Rant over. I'm going into town for the last batch of cassettes I'll ever buy. Would anyone like an actual tape?
First five responses win a handcrafted tape. Go!