How do blogs get their music?
So I read some 'blogs' occasionally, from the more well known one (stereogorillabrook etc) and check the occasional hype m etc and often these sites have mp3's to download - remixes or tracks from new albums etc.
How do these blogs actually get these songs to offer up for download? I mean surely it all has to be legit and all?
I know some of them get well known enough to get sent mp3's by the labels themselves as a marketing tool, but what about the rest?
If I go on a blog and there's this mp3 to download or this remix, how does the process work that they get that mp3 and offer it to download without dodginess being involved?
Or does it all fall into that semi-grey area realm whereby since a 'big' blog has it for download, the rest just offer it download too? Is there an actual mechanism at play here or is it just a free for all grope fest?