:zoviet*france: | live in Salford 06.04.09
new acoustical pleasures & hot air present
live in Salford, UK
19:30 MONDAY 6 APRIL 2009
ISLINGTON MILL | James Street | Salford | M3 5HW
admission GBP 5.00 on the door
also playing Seth Cluett, Benedict Drew & Lee Patterson
"With only some loose change salvaged from behind the sofa cushions of the University of Salford Arts Unit and a vaguely old fashioned urge to see like-minded people gathered together in 3 dimensional space rather than some mybook-spaceface-twitblog-webroom, New Acoustical Pleasures and Hot Air have put together and offer up to you the first in a series of 4 to 5 evenings of rare quality noises, music and pregnant silences.
the artistes-
firstly and foremostly- :zoviet*france:
this band/mysterious fog of sound need no introduction, if you don't know who they are or what they have done historically to define an area of music currently bleeding into every avant-garde audio nook and crack known to man, then you'd better start googling double smartish. Not that that will help you as the Z*F entity has remained aloof from the record industry and any normal modes of promoting an 'Image' or a 'Product' for nearly 3 decades. We are very very proud to give them a space, some speakers and let them get on with it..
secondly but most certainly first classly - Seth Cluett, Benedict Drew & Lee Patterson performing in a trio.
Seth Cluett: Modified cassette decks, oscillators and Amplified Objects.
Lee Patterson: springs, objects, natural & un-natural acoustic investigations.
Benedict Drew: amplified paper. balloons, wire and charcoal.
the triangulation of these particular three performers promises some wonderfully intricate, tense and eyebrow raising tones. Quiet please! for this one we recommend you pay full attention and save your popcorn rustling and champagne cork popping until later in the evening..
This Salford Concert Series brought to you by the naive but sincere intentions of Ben, Lee & Matt."
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