Dot Rotten
This really is a long shot on here... But I'm gona go for it anyway.
He is one of my fave grime mc's I reckon, he is a real artist thruogh and through. When he makes tracks and really gets on it he is just head and shoulders above alot of the others right now.
He makes all his own beats and hell they are good. He has this really unhinged dark vibe and he takles some deep stuff in his lyrics instead of just the usual violance and hype stuff.
his freestyles are wicked too, but I think he just kills it more on tracks as he can take his time and really get intence over it instead of having to stop sometimes and breath. Check these out...
Talks about making beats then drops some bars (most recent):
He dropped a FREE mixtape the other year and its still pure fire! You can read about it and grab it here at the wicked grimepedia:
Then his mix cd last year was just awsome RIP Young Dot, its dark and full of bangers. I can't get enough of it.
Check out Blackdown's interview with him its well interesting:
The dude is on some next level and a bit unhinged with him walkin off logan sama and rumors about him beeing kinda deranged and dark all over the shop on grimeforum. But man he kills it when he is on the music.
He is a excelent underground UK tallent.