Grammatics vs Foals (a short comparison thread)
The Grammatics album sounds like how I wanted Foals to sound, this time I've not been disappointed.
Foals promised us off kilter rhythms and a certain amount of experimentation, yet their album sounded like a collection of watery, indie pop songs where the "mathy bits" were an after thought. Grammatics' songs sound effortless in comparison, they shine through, but not by toning down their avant-garde tendancies, so their album on the whole, remains an interesting listen.
What I'm trying to say is that Foals wrote songs (which they managed to fail at) whereas the more inventive elements of their music seemed forced. Grammatics have done what Foals originally promised to do, with songs like Shadow Committee, D.I.L.E.M.M.A and Relentless Fours. The hooks and pop sensibilities are there, despite all the willingness, to make a more difficult to digest breed of music. It's not a perfect album, far from it (it definitely tails off towards the end), but I'd currently give it a well deserved 8/10.
Foals were always destined to be selling their music to fans, that have listening habits more towards the mainstream side of indie. Did they realise this? Was Antidotes watered down to fit their potenital audience? Did they "jump the shark"? I don't know the answer to this, I don't know if they even had time to change their material by the time they realised their own, increasing popularity. Maybe we were simply fooled into believing Foals are something they're not, can you blame the band for that? Again, I don't know.
What I do know is that Foals aren't anything resembling "math", they write silly, throw away indie pop. Grammatics are everything I expected Foals to be; and more.
Discuss? Maybe you disagree with the comparison in the first place.
(I aplogise if my writing style isn't great, I didn't plan this out at all, it's essentially just a serious of thoughts on the sucject)