Islands' recording studio LOLs
Nick and co. are in the studio putting the finishing touches to their third album...
Wallace Shawn is going to be coming into the studio to record a 15 minute outro monologue for the record today. Excited.
about 3 hours ago from TwitterFon
wow, just got off the phone with him- he's bringing Werner Herzog! they're working on a play in NYC. Gotta convince Herzog to jump on this
about 3 hours ago from TwitterFon
Wallace Shawn is in the building! Herzog had a "prior engagement". Might roll up later. He said Bob Balaban is right around the corner tho!
about 2 hours ago from TwitterFon
Okaaay, Wallace Shawn is way drunk.
about 2 hours ago from TwitterFon
Wallace Shawn is doing an off-base impression of Donald Duck. I asked for something "my dinner with Andre"-esque.
about 2 hours ago from TwitterFon
Wallace Shawn is nibbling on my ear as I write this. He wants to know what a twitter is. I have no idea how to break it to him.
42 minutes ago from TwitterFon
I really wish Wallace Shawn would go home. I never thought I'd say that. He's never even met Werner Herzog, FYI
38 minutes ago from TwitterFon
And who *actually* wears underwear with hearts on them? Never meet your heroes, kids.
37 minutes ago from TwitterFon
Get this: Wallace Shawn thought this session was for Islands, the Hawaiian restaurant chain. He's never heard of my band, Islands.
24 minutes ago from TwitterFon
Now he's out in the hallway on the phone with his publicist screaming his head off...& he's still in his underwear! I locked the door.
19 minutes ago from TwitterFon