What else from 2009 should I listen to?
I'm quite proud of having listened to about 10 albums so far this year, but I feel I should there are other new releases I should check out. What else is good? Listed below are what I've listened to and how much I like them:
Merriweather (excellent)
Bromst (excellent)
Mi Ami - Watersports (very good)
The Decemberists - The Hazards of Love (very good)
Trail of Dead - The Century of Self (good)
Fever Ray - Fever Ray (good, but I need to listen more)
Bob Log III - My Shit Is Perfect (reasonable)
Charles Spearin - The Happiness Project (ok)
Magik Markers - Balf Quarry (not great)
Love Is All - A Hundred Things Keep Me Up At Night (ok)
I also like the new Horrors single and am aiming to get Crack The Skye as soon as possible.
I tend to like noisy things, but am willing to listen to most things! Shape my listening for 2009!