Listen to 3 recommended artists you've never heard on and rate them
(inspired by GS3's recent thread).
Women- not what I was expecting at all. I thought they'd be a garage punk band but a bit more freaked out. They're kind of like a slower, less fuzzy No Age. And I don't like No Age that much. 5/10
Maladroit- Okay, it's breakcore. The biog is a bit annoying, it makes out like he's doing something completely different to other breakcore artists ("However unlike other artists who employ the popmash, he combines songs at breakneck speeds and with little concern for royalties owed to the artists he samples from.") I'm bored of it but I'd probably dance to it if I saw him play. 4/10
Passion Pit- they sound kinda cute...oh, the chorus on 'I've Got Your Number' is great! 'Better Things' is 80's-tastic. I like this quite a bit, but I don't think they're a band I'll remember in 10 years time. This could be a grower. 7/10
Oh, how you've let me down...