Any help on Pr/press please
I was wondering if anyone here could provide us with any help or advice re: pr and national press please.
To give you some background we run a live music night called Monkeysuit and it's been running now for about 2 1/2 years. In our first year we were based in various venues in our home town of Maidenhead. Then about 18 months a go we shut up shop there and began doing the odd gig at The Oakford in Reading and the last year or so we've had a residency there (2nd Sunday every month).
We also did our first London gig in Oct and next year we're planning to branch out and try doing gigs at different venues and location's. Some of the previous bands we've booked include Slow Club, Eugene McGuinness, Vessels, This Town Needs Guns and James Yuill.
We've got good contacts with the local press but we want to try and get our name out there abit nationally next year and I was wonder whether working with a Pr company/ press officer is worth doing?
Bearing in mind we currently operate on a pretty small budget.