Romantic Stuff
Help me guys. Help. You know how much I've loved you guys, now I need your help. Fair is fair.
So there's this chick. She likes a lot of the same bands I like. Bunnymen and stuff, right. OK, but maybe isn't as hard core as us, so I'd like to play her a mixtape of cool indie schmindie stuff that's romantic. No Icarus Line. I'm starting things off with Patrick Wolf's Tristan. Help me now. Finish this mixtape off for me big and I'll owe ya's. ;-)
So there's this chick. She likes a lot of the same bands I like. Bunnymen and stuff, right. OK, but maybe isn't as hard core as us, so I'd like to play her a mixtape of cool indie schmindie stuff that's romantic. No Icarus Line. I'm starting things off with Patrick Wolf's Tristan. Help me now. Finish this mixtape off for me big and I'll owe ya's. ;-)