The nightclub I used to frequent as a child was called the Fetish, later The Scream. Sure, there was Power Tools (cos it was held in semi-abandon warehouses with drill presses roped off and go-go dancers on lathes) and TVC-15, but the Fetish served minors (which was why they got shut down, then re-opened as the Scream, then shut-down....) and celebrated Halloween practically all year round, but certainly by August things were moving at a frenzied pace. Lots of skeletons and cray paper needed going up, doncha know. Ghoulishious!
Alternativegothpunk was very big in the 80s. More mascara then than there are scensters today wearing scarves, if ya can believe it!
I was gonna do holiday songs (the US version of 'holiday' meaning "holiday" as opposed to 'vacations'), but then I thought, No Halloween Songs is cool. Get yer costumes ready and paint the cat black!!
Songs For Halloween!
Alternativegothpunk was very big in the 80s. More mascara then than there are scensters today wearing scarves, if ya can believe it!
I was gonna do holiday songs (the US version of 'holiday' meaning "holiday" as opposed to 'vacations'), but then I thought, No Halloween Songs is cool. Get yer costumes ready and paint the cat black!!
Songs For Halloween!