A Rock Star By Any Other Name
As you can well imagine, when my parents, Mr and Mrs Rain, named me Ocean I was none too happy. The kids at school would point and laugh at me. But after years and years of therapy and practicing my communication skills here on DiS, I believe there is hope. Hope that one day soon I may be able to speak to other human beings face to face.
I'm living the dream, baby!
Favorite Rock Star Names They Just Made Up!!
Courtney Taylor-Taylor. Like the liberated women of America who just can't drop their maiden name, the Dandy Warhols singer beats them at their own game!
John Cougar Mellencamp. Which should he pick? The goofy rawk name or the goofy country boy name? Ee-nee-me-nee-mynie-moe....
Siouxsie Sioux. Susan must have said to herself, "I'd bet I'd be the only punk chick in South Dakota. I wonder where South Dakota is exactly..."
I'm living the dream, baby!
Favorite Rock Star Names They Just Made Up!!
Courtney Taylor-Taylor. Like the liberated women of America who just can't drop their maiden name, the Dandy Warhols singer beats them at their own game!
John Cougar Mellencamp. Which should he pick? The goofy rawk name or the goofy country boy name? Ee-nee-me-nee-mynie-moe....
Siouxsie Sioux. Susan must have said to herself, "I'd bet I'd be the only punk chick in South Dakota. I wonder where South Dakota is exactly..."