Trapped Inside This Song
Best examples of internal rhyming couplets - for those of you at home who can dust off some old Cure records - Or lyrics that morph. By 'morph' I mean like in that Silver Jews song where Berman and Malkmus drunkily sing
Trapped inside this song, trapped inside this song, trapped inside this song (where the nights are so long)
Trapped inside us all, trapped inside us all...
or MBV's 'Sue is fine' morphing into 'Suicide'.
Clever! More examples of interesting lyrics, please.
Trapped inside this song, trapped inside this song, trapped inside this song (where the nights are so long)
Trapped inside us all, trapped inside us all...
or MBV's 'Sue is fine' morphing into 'Suicide'.
Clever! More examples of interesting lyrics, please.