Six in the City
anybody else catch hell is for heroes, akira the don, the sound explosion and we will be pilots at camnden underworld last night????? eh? what you think???
Did'nt know what to make of akira, bizarre considering the rest of the line up, but deffo interesting! HIFH were fantastic, sound explosion gave it there all but was a bit garage for me - like if theyd been around 35 yrs ago they wudv been huge, its been done before, and we will be pilots were great too, a mon avis
Did'nt know what to make of akira, bizarre considering the rest of the line up, but deffo interesting! HIFH were fantastic, sound explosion gave it there all but was a bit garage for me - like if theyd been around 35 yrs ago they wudv been huge, its been done before, and we will be pilots were great too, a mon avis