any1 else seen this? I got me Bumfights, Bumfights 2 - Bumlife and SCRAPS the otherday and i have to say: ITS FUCKING COOL!!!!
Rufus the stunt bum rules! BFK for life. The most disturbing bits are plentiful in the first and second editions of BUMFIGHTS however - SCRAPS is just plain SICK - dirty street fights/ gang banging and terrorist images straight from those sick sites like: n stuff. Im actually trying to forget most of the stuff i saw on the 3rd edition of Bumfights cos NO1 needs to see a real life decapitation! (russians and chechyens showing the real brutality of war!)
Bling Bling, BF's resident crackhead is a total scumbag and turns on his best mate for the smallest of crack rocks!
Any1 see the channel 5 docu on the phenomenon that is BUMFIGHTS?!? and how the real makers of the films signed all thier money away to a real life OC kid called Ty Beson. Bum Hunter never really went to jail for kidnap and most of the bums they captured where paid in advance of filming!
BUMFIGHTS collection should be added to the hipster's list i reckonz. It just shows that kids in rich OC areas are still more than capable of being crazy fucking nutcases.......
Rufus the stunt bum rules! BFK for life. The most disturbing bits are plentiful in the first and second editions of BUMFIGHTS however - SCRAPS is just plain SICK - dirty street fights/ gang banging and terrorist images straight from those sick sites like: n stuff. Im actually trying to forget most of the stuff i saw on the 3rd edition of Bumfights cos NO1 needs to see a real life decapitation! (russians and chechyens showing the real brutality of war!)
Bling Bling, BF's resident crackhead is a total scumbag and turns on his best mate for the smallest of crack rocks!
Any1 see the channel 5 docu on the phenomenon that is BUMFIGHTS?!? and how the real makers of the films signed all thier money away to a real life OC kid called Ty Beson. Bum Hunter never really went to jail for kidnap and most of the bums they captured where paid in advance of filming!
BUMFIGHTS collection should be added to the hipster's list i reckonz. It just shows that kids in rich OC areas are still more than capable of being crazy fucking nutcases.......