The Real Motor City Madman
Detroit. Home of General Motors and urban violence. Kiss wrote a stupid song, I loved, about the city when I was aged 10. Ted Nugent is from the place. But that's not what this thread is about.
Let's pay homage to the man who avoided Vietnam by going down to the draft board for a physical, ducked into a closet to give himself an erection, and stood in the doctor's line with a goofy grin on his face. Conscientious objector or coward? Doesn't matter! Creative genius? Erm, maybe - doubtful. Ladies and gents, a round of applause for Jimmy Osterberg!
Give us your top 5 Iggy songs:
Gimme Danger
Billy is a Runaway
Raw Power
I'm a Conservative
New Values
Bang Bang
The Passenger
Candy (w/ Kate Pierson)
Plus a dozen more. Give us 5 or 10 or whatever!
Let's pay homage to the man who avoided Vietnam by going down to the draft board for a physical, ducked into a closet to give himself an erection, and stood in the doctor's line with a goofy grin on his face. Conscientious objector or coward? Doesn't matter! Creative genius? Erm, maybe - doubtful. Ladies and gents, a round of applause for Jimmy Osterberg!
Give us your top 5 Iggy songs:
Gimme Danger
Billy is a Runaway
Raw Power
I'm a Conservative
New Values
Bang Bang
The Passenger
Candy (w/ Kate Pierson)
Plus a dozen more. Give us 5 or 10 or whatever!