Truck Festival (Again)
I really really really want to go to this year's Truck Festival. Fonda 500 are almost certainly going to be there, and wherever they are, I am! I know likes that kind of music. In fact, hardly anyone I know likes music at all. Meh! I've been to gigs on my own before, but a festival? Surely that's the summit of all lonerish behaviour?
And another thing...I don't know how to put a tent up, is sleeping in the car a feasible option? :-D I know likes that kind of music. In fact, hardly anyone I know likes music at all. Meh! I've been to gigs on my own before, but a festival? Surely that's the summit of all lonerish behaviour?
And another thing...I don't know how to put a tent up, is sleeping in the car a feasible option? :-D