A message from Alex K ?
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Thursday 03/17/2005 7:44:34pm
Name: Alex
Homepage: http://Franz Ferdinand
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City/Country: Scotland
Comments: Hi you lot at! Just like to say great site, nice to see you are keeping the flame alight! They are right up there with us. Cheerio. Alex K.
Favourite K track? Sorry for Laughing
Marks out of 10 for the site? 10 for being there!
Do you think it's really him ?
Great taste anyway.
Thursday 03/17/2005 7:44:34pm
Name: Alex
Homepage: http://Franz Ferdinand
Referred By: Just Surfed In
City/Country: Scotland
Comments: Hi you lot at! Just like to say great site, nice to see you are keeping the flame alight! They are right up there with us. Cheerio. Alex K.
Favourite K track? Sorry for Laughing
Marks out of 10 for the site? 10 for being there!
Do you think it's really him ?
Great taste anyway.