bloc party rereleasing banquet
i read on another forum that the live footage they filmed recently was for a new video for a rerelease of Banquet.
this strikes me as a bit shit.
this band used to be bounteous enough to have ace bsides like The Marshalls Are Dead (which has been rereleased in a rerecorded version as another bside) and Tulips, with vinyl exclusives like Storm and Stress.
now they have album tracks as bsides (Helicopters was backed with Pioneers and So Here We Are by Positive Tension) and are rereleasing Banquet.
i thought they were being praised for signing with a grassroots indie, not some repackaging kiddy fucking behemoth. and i know they have a whole album's worth of remixes (which i'm quite excited about: cornelius-i think-, fourtet, le tigre, carlos from interpol and probably the phones for good measure) ready to go, which i can unfortunately see being bunged onto a rerelease of the album.
at least Banquet is a fucking good tune that, try as i might, i can't get bored of, and it gives me an excuse to play it more often down t'indie disco.
this strikes me as a bit shit.
this band used to be bounteous enough to have ace bsides like The Marshalls Are Dead (which has been rereleased in a rerecorded version as another bside) and Tulips, with vinyl exclusives like Storm and Stress.
now they have album tracks as bsides (Helicopters was backed with Pioneers and So Here We Are by Positive Tension) and are rereleasing Banquet.
i thought they were being praised for signing with a grassroots indie, not some repackaging kiddy fucking behemoth. and i know they have a whole album's worth of remixes (which i'm quite excited about: cornelius-i think-, fourtet, le tigre, carlos from interpol and probably the phones for good measure) ready to go, which i can unfortunately see being bunged onto a rerelease of the album.
at least Banquet is a fucking good tune that, try as i might, i can't get bored of, and it gives me an excuse to play it more often down t'indie disco.