National's Boxer - 3 weeks in
Well its good. Not as good as Alligator, but that'd be like asking Leonardo to whip up another Mona Lisa.
Some of the stuff thats produced a bit more substantially is better for it, and some of the more stripped down stuff is also great for the same reasons.
It is a bit similar in formula though to previous records (1 loud lead single, 1 pretty song with a female name for the title, lots of "la la la-ing"), but would probably be the best entry point for any newcomers because its a bit more immediate.
best tracks:
fake empire
start a war
ada (though the acoustic version was better)
squalor victoria
mistaken for strangers
good tracks:
green gloves
racing like a pro (bit familiar this one)
slow show (half good, half great - this'll rock live)
apartment story
ones i'd leave off if it was my record:
guest room