Arctic Monkeys - Zero-Cred
Im not a big fan of the Monkey boys but i did like their stance on not attending the Brits and their attitude towards awards ceremonys in general, but with every recent interview they give they are pissing their cool credentials straight up the wall. Why? Girls Aloud!, thats why! It seems nowadays every talent-free music-hack and half arsed indie band seem desperate to big up pop-schlock bollox like the aforementioned reality chavettes, along with other assembled plastic papsters like Sugarbabes and that little monster Kylie, in an attempt to make themselves appear clever and arch. I havent got a problem with people buying this music because they like it, but i do have a problem with the likes of A.M.'s sucking up to a bunch of twats like Girls Aloud just cos they think its cool. Its not cool. Its reactionary and they have exposed themselves as a bunch of smutty little schoolboys that will do anything for a shag with manufactured 'Babe' popstars. Grow up!