The personal message game
Right, here's the deal. Anyone who wants to play leaves an indicative comment here and then other people send them a personal message with an interesting biographical comment about themselves, followed by a question (of your choice) to the person you are messaging, the messagee then answers the question to the best of their abilities and replies with a question of their choice to the messenger. 'Tis easy.
For example, if John Brainlove decided to join in this thread fun and I was a fishmonger by trade I could PM him and tell him so (NB I am not a fishmonger, but find the profession somewhat allurring. MMMMMMMMM Haddock) and then ask him what colour socks he is wearing (if he is wearing them at all). He could then message me back and tell me he is wearing pink and orange socks and ask me what my opinion on Theism versus Atheism is. And so on...
Eventually, loads of DiSers could be conversing with loads of fellow DiSers and we could all make lots of new friends, learn something, have fun and alleviate whatever tedium we may be in the throngs of enduring.
If anyone would like to send me a personal message as aforementioned I will send you one back. Anyone else who wants to join in the fun, please leave an indicative comment...
For example, if John Brainlove decided to join in this thread fun and I was a fishmonger by trade I could PM him and tell him so (NB I am not a fishmonger, but find the profession somewhat allurring. MMMMMMMMM Haddock) and then ask him what colour socks he is wearing (if he is wearing them at all). He could then message me back and tell me he is wearing pink and orange socks and ask me what my opinion on Theism versus Atheism is. And so on...
Eventually, loads of DiSers could be conversing with loads of fellow DiSers and we could all make lots of new friends, learn something, have fun and alleviate whatever tedium we may be in the throngs of enduring.
If anyone would like to send me a personal message as aforementioned I will send you one back. Anyone else who wants to join in the fun, please leave an indicative comment...