Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Saw the Yeah Yeah Yeahs at Brixton last night, and they was ace. The Bravery were absolute piffle though. Thought they might be OK, turned out they really are not a very good band. The single stood out a mile from their turgid set.
Duke Spirit were better than I thought they would be, and Mrs. Duke Spirit is gorgeous, but I still don't really see what so much fuss is about. Not bad, but still not great.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs were the best I've ever seen them. I just can't tire of their set, even if 75% of it is the same as last years. There were a couple of new songs, and they sound amazing, better than a lot of the stuff on Fever To Tell, IMHO. The atmosphere was fantastic, Karen's outfit (all-in-one catsuit with added long dangly tassles and glow in the dark skeleton effect and pink shiny eye mask. With a hood) was very special.
Great night out. Only bad thing was the lack of cider at the bar we were near.
Duke Spirit were better than I thought they would be, and Mrs. Duke Spirit is gorgeous, but I still don't really see what so much fuss is about. Not bad, but still not great.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs were the best I've ever seen them. I just can't tire of their set, even if 75% of it is the same as last years. There were a couple of new songs, and they sound amazing, better than a lot of the stuff on Fever To Tell, IMHO. The atmosphere was fantastic, Karen's outfit (all-in-one catsuit with added long dangly tassles and glow in the dark skeleton effect and pink shiny eye mask. With a hood) was very special.
Great night out. Only bad thing was the lack of cider at the bar we were near.