Garage Band
Anyone who's in a band (pretty much everyone on DiS, surely...) might find this interesting -
You do some reviews the upload a song by your band and let the American public loose on it. I uploaded the most raging synthpunk $hit song we have, just to see... reaction ranged from neo-con comments like 'how can you call this rock? it has a drum machine!' and 'how come the vocals are distorted - i can't hear the lyrics' type stuff to complete devotion and an award for the stupidest song on the site. Result.
I thought it was interesting anyway.
You do some reviews the upload a song by your band and let the American public loose on it. I uploaded the most raging synthpunk $hit song we have, just to see... reaction ranged from neo-con comments like 'how can you call this rock? it has a drum machine!' and 'how come the vocals are distorted - i can't hear the lyrics' type stuff to complete devotion and an award for the stupidest song on the site. Result.
I thought it was interesting anyway.