Cool Disco?
OK, I'm writing this story. My protagonist goes to a party hosted by the senior exec's of this stodgey old firm. He takes out the Glen Miller and throws in _______. I originally had Lisa Stansfield and then I thought about the Dandy's Duran Duran inspired Welcome to the Monkey House. If it helps, pretend you're the protagonist. Get it? Something upbeat, kinda cool, and not totally offensive (from a casual listener standpoint). (My friend on a Bunnymen list said why not the Bunnymen? "Erm, cos I just don't see senior citizen's be-bopping to 'my life's the disease'." Duh!) Help me here guys!
What are some cool disco records? Yeah, Baby! (in my Austin Powers voice)
What are some cool disco records? Yeah, Baby! (in my Austin Powers voice)