Anal gigging
When I saw Youthmovie Soundtrack Strategies playing with Redjetson, Exploits of Elaine and Yellowbelly in Wolverhampton the other week, I hit 2 gigging milestones.
Redjetson were the 150th (all different) band I've seen and YMSS were the 200th (some more than once) time I've seen a live band.
I know this cos I'm really sad and anal about my music and keep a record of every band I've ever seen.
Leeds has bumped my 'different bands seen' count up to 166 and overall live acts up to 226.
Can anyone match me on either a) band count b) level of total sadness/need to get out more.
I'm sure some of you will piss on this from a great height but it's an acheivement I'm pretty happy with.
Redjetson were the 150th (all different) band I've seen and YMSS were the 200th (some more than once) time I've seen a live band.
I know this cos I'm really sad and anal about my music and keep a record of every band I've ever seen.
Leeds has bumped my 'different bands seen' count up to 166 and overall live acts up to 226.
Can anyone match me on either a) band count b) level of total sadness/need to get out more.
I'm sure some of you will piss on this from a great height but it's an acheivement I'm pretty happy with.