National Front in Cambridge
Hi everyone, again
This was sent to me by Rosey from R*E*P*E*A*T - basically, about 100 members of the Nazi National Front are protesting outside Oakington detention centre near Cambridge tomorrow (Saturday 14th) at 12.30pm, so Unite Against Fascism are trying to get as many people down there as they can to protest right back. Apologies to anyone not in the Cambridge area as this may be of no interest to you; but it goes to show that even in a "nice" town like Cambridge, outbreaks of evil racist scum can flare up like a dose of the clap at any given time.
Bye for now, love from Seymour xxx
Protest Against The Visit of the National Front to Oakington!
No Nazis in Cambridge!
Meet Saturday August 14th, Oakington Detention Centre, Oakington (signposted from A14) at 12:30
Leaflet Cambridge, Friday August 13th 12:30
The Nazi National Front are planning to visit Oakington detention centre this Saturday, August 14th at 1pm, to protest against the presence of asylum seekers. They then plan to visit Cambridge city centre to hand out their filthy propaganda.
While they claim to expect 100 demonstrators, recent experience suggests that the actual turn out will be much, much smaller, perhaps in single figures. If we can get a good crowd together we can show that the people of Cambridge have no interest in their politics of hate, and can perhaps ensure that the police ask them to leave without entering the city centre.
Cambridge Unite Against Fascism are asking people to meet at Oakington at 12:30 on Saturday at the detention centre, which is signposted from the A14. Anyone who can offer transport or who needs a lift should mail me back.
To help build the protest, we will be leafletting in Cambridge City Centre this Friday, meeting outside the Co-op Bank by the Grafton Centre at 12.30. Anyone who can leaflet other times and places, please get in touch and I'll mail you a leaflet.