9/11 vs houskeeping
Ironing - Has there ever been a more pointless human activity, that actually harms our situation?
It creates a false and artificial value system, a triumph of valuing the packaging more importantly
than the contents.
Salesmen, politicians and lawyers, with the stunning exception of Michael Foot, all have ironed
shirt collars which have enabled them to hoodwink the elderly and veneer over their inherent insincerity.
My elderly relatives have all been swayed in their political opinions by appearances.
A stunningly pointless waste of energy and time, what could be a more useless reason to increase the
amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (ok I know it only uses a small amount compared with overall figures
but it indicates the lack of intent/focus and this is serious,
I have noticed that Dr David King 'UK Govt chief scientific advisor' has now admitted London and
New York will be flooded due to ice melt, sfunny that, a decade/2 decades ago
global warming was 'a lie put about by 'commie liberal vegetarians' who wished to bring down the
western military/industrial complex' I havn't noticed any apologies or acknowledgements that
the 'hippies' were right and the 'shirts' were wrong.
Perhaps Bush now think that the UK Govt chief scientific advisor is a commie pinko, like Michael Moore
out to bring him down? What I am getting at is that we are now distracted by 9/11 and terrorism?
Global warming something that is easier to predict than the next terrorist act? We surely know what
remedial action is neccessary to slow down global warming, unlike terrorism/the middle east conflict
so perhaps 9/11 is distracting us, I am sure some are happy about this.
Women used to be oppressed with it, my Gran and mum had obviously were because they always moaned
about how hard it was yet they seemed to make the burden worse for themselves by ironing towels,
swimming costumes, teatowels, socks.
I am now oppressed by it because, apparently, if I dont spend half an hour wrestling
with a pair of trousers and a shirt on an ironing board then I am not proffessional,
and my judgement and skill in my job can be measured by this.
We also get the spectacle of young hoodlums in court getting specially scrubbed up,
and inserted into their cheap new suits, because this obviously has a bearing on their
guilt or how they should be treated.
So to sum up ironing.....
1)oppression of women/subjugation of humans to a life of toil rather than free expression.
2) Subversion of our value/judgement system to favour stle over content, thus debasing the idea and effectiveness of
democracy, unless you favour democracy typified by 'big brother' style of voting who you like the look of.
3) Destruction of the worlds energy resources, and accelerating global warming resulting in the destruction
of capital cities.
4) Subversion of our judicial system allowing criminals to get off or recieve lighter sentences.
Does anyone else have any household chores that they are not keen on or that might bring about world destruction?
It creates a false and artificial value system, a triumph of valuing the packaging more importantly
than the contents.
Salesmen, politicians and lawyers, with the stunning exception of Michael Foot, all have ironed
shirt collars which have enabled them to hoodwink the elderly and veneer over their inherent insincerity.
My elderly relatives have all been swayed in their political opinions by appearances.
A stunningly pointless waste of energy and time, what could be a more useless reason to increase the
amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (ok I know it only uses a small amount compared with overall figures
but it indicates the lack of intent/focus and this is serious,
I have noticed that Dr David King 'UK Govt chief scientific advisor' has now admitted London and
New York will be flooded due to ice melt, sfunny that, a decade/2 decades ago
global warming was 'a lie put about by 'commie liberal vegetarians' who wished to bring down the
western military/industrial complex' I havn't noticed any apologies or acknowledgements that
the 'hippies' were right and the 'shirts' were wrong.
Perhaps Bush now think that the UK Govt chief scientific advisor is a commie pinko, like Michael Moore
out to bring him down? What I am getting at is that we are now distracted by 9/11 and terrorism?
Global warming something that is easier to predict than the next terrorist act? We surely know what
remedial action is neccessary to slow down global warming, unlike terrorism/the middle east conflict
so perhaps 9/11 is distracting us, I am sure some are happy about this.
Women used to be oppressed with it, my Gran and mum had obviously were because they always moaned
about how hard it was yet they seemed to make the burden worse for themselves by ironing towels,
swimming costumes, teatowels, socks.
I am now oppressed by it because, apparently, if I dont spend half an hour wrestling
with a pair of trousers and a shirt on an ironing board then I am not proffessional,
and my judgement and skill in my job can be measured by this.
We also get the spectacle of young hoodlums in court getting specially scrubbed up,
and inserted into their cheap new suits, because this obviously has a bearing on their
guilt or how they should be treated.
So to sum up ironing.....
1)oppression of women/subjugation of humans to a life of toil rather than free expression.
2) Subversion of our value/judgement system to favour stle over content, thus debasing the idea and effectiveness of
democracy, unless you favour democracy typified by 'big brother' style of voting who you like the look of.
3) Destruction of the worlds energy resources, and accelerating global warming resulting in the destruction
of capital cities.
4) Subversion of our judicial system allowing criminals to get off or recieve lighter sentences.
Does anyone else have any household chores that they are not keen on or that might bring about world destruction?