as truck wouLd have it...
i wouLd Like to thank everyone off these boards whom i had the pLeasure of bumping into at truck, for being a pLeasure to bump into. i think that's why truck can be so enjoyabLe, because the site is essentiaLLy so smaLL, it's possibLe to see friends on the hoof without trying. other bonuses are being abLe to bring your own aLcohoL to aLL over the site, vastLy reducing the cost of particiaption oif the festivaL, and making you Look dead hunky carrying aLL that cider arround.
the Line up for this truck was probabLy one of the best since i have been going to the festivaL too. the research and colon open bracket were briLLaint. as was that iron maiden band first thing in the morning.
what happened to everyone on the sunday night though? i thought there was going to be a massive fuck off party, but there wasnt, so me and pauL started drop kicking sainsbury's vaLue sausage roLLs trying to get them over the eLectricity pyLon instead. it might have been the mind medning substances, but i remember being fabuLousLy sucessfuL.
compared to truck, reading is rubbish, it's a Lot of waLking and Loads of kids in bLink 182 t-shirts setting fire to pLastic cups and tipping toiLets over, with one constantLy thinking one shouLd be having a better time than one actuaLLy is. Leeds is even worse cos its fuLL of peopLe who couLdnt get into reading, so they're aLready in a bad mood and steaL your shoes out of yr tent, and then steaL your tent pegs. at truck, michaeL even got his waLLet back.
anyway, thanks to aLL the drowned-in-sounders i cam across (not in the bibLicaL sense sadLy), and hope to see you aLL again soon. oh we're headLining on the 5th at cLockwork if anyone wants to come...
fideL viLLeneuve