MATKORE v iKORE @ Glade Festival
Flying fresh in from the CZ Republic, having eaten eight life sized lizards that didn’t conform to his illuminati criterion and the Ryanair co-pilot, Matkore v iKore and his merry band of classically trained sudoku squirrels make their inaugural Glade appearance at the illustrious Overkill Tent. (formerly known as the Littlebig Tent.)
Here they will make play dough crop circles and drink the perspiration from the backs of young virgin’s knees whilst this exceptional producer gets your coochie quivering to latest break/grime/dubstep/mashup/grindcore and rock from his bountiful spunk canon.
Yes, that’s right, all in front of your very own eyes! Who says eight pints of Strongbow does sweet FA these days?
If there is just one act to catch at this weekends extensive narcotic induced festivities then it has to be the world renowned Matkore v iKore, a man whom Ronnie Corbett once cited as being, ‘the most profound influence on my life since corrective surgery.’
Friends with everyone from Desmond Tutu to The Man with the Golden Gun’s Nik Nak, this musician is quite simply the best thing since Kelly Holmes’ placenta frying in a pan.