Kevin Blechdom/Beastellabeast/Lost Penguin/Bolt Action Five @ Club Mofo Sat 13th May
Saturday 13th May
Club Motherfucker Live!
Upstairs at the garage
£4 cons before 10, £5 others
Live music first then SUPER FUN DANCE PARTY after
YOU do the dancing and party it up. WE love you long time!
Daughters of the Kaos are joined by guest deck botherers from Cardiff/Oz The Vinyl Vendettas to play a rampant mix of indie, alternative, electro, riot grrl and stuff and stuff
live! live! live!
Kevin Blechdom - (Chicks on Speed Records)
Quirky post electro from a Berlin lady who has been described as a mess of contradictions making music that is Terrifying post modern neurotic / emotional realism
Smooth London duo who do acid blues electro funk
Lost Penguin
Riot grrrrl fronted dual vocaled shoutey 2-step casio poo-wave wee punk that make a mockery of their own music
Bolt Action Five
Postpunk meets slayer blast beat with a twist of electronica! Love it!