Brass Buttons! zine distro
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So yes, my little zine distro is online and, more importantly, is looking for submissions!
I would very much like for you people to help me get in touch with some awesome zines and stuff who wouldn't mind some geek in Hampshire selling their wares at gigs and online. Even better, if you do a zine yourself, send one in and I'll see if I like it Grinning
I've got a few zine on board but I'm sure (I hope!) there are more zinesters interested in hooking up. I'm looking more for personal zines, travel diaries, that sort of thing like the aforementioned rather than music-only zines about bands I don't give two shits about but any interest this mere plug is greatly appreciated.
My e-mail for questions, postal address and such is: breakdancevietnam [at] gmail [dot] com.
The Myspace above will also be updated shortly with what I have available, payment information, links, FAQ and places I'll be flyering/selling so, if you so desire, you can say 'hi!'. If you add me as a friend, you'll receive the occasional bulletin with regards to new zines stocked.
Many thanks!