PROJECTIONS/ECONOLINE/SCARECROWS Nottm this Weds! Summer's a-comin'!
Hi folks
I am taking time out to plug the shit out of this show because it's going to be fucking ace. In a "wow! what a great gig! I'm gonna be humming that song for the rest of the week!" way not a "hmmm (scratches chin) ...interesting...but shit" way.
The hot weather's coming in. The call of evening beers are here. 7pm, it's light. People are wearing less. The stench of summer is upon us. Or it could just be my nads. Either way DAMN YOU! is chuffed to the tits to present this:
The bands that have followed in the wake of the now defunct Cat on Form have shown the former members’ desire to stretch each component of the band’s sound to far extremes: the catharsis is taken to new levels by Yelp Of Sords and the simplicity and songwriting have been oomphed-up and refined by Blood Red Shoes. Projections sees the throb and rhythm that Cat On Form borrowed from bands like Hoover or June Of 44 (or any band with Fred Erskine on bass) get turned into the foundations of a newly emerging sound. Projections can lock into the beats and then spin the whole thing around so you don’t know if you’re coming or going. They may have their roots in harDCore but they’re pushing it as out there as they can.
Don't you hate it when you see your mates on Myspace and they list their favourite bands as a load of old fucking trendy bollocks and you KNOW they get home from work and listen to Dinosaur Jr really loud and play air guitar in their pants. Econoline are this knowledge in musical form. Pure unashamed, triumphant indie rock with great songs, big chords and some instrument swapping. For fans of Yo La Tengo, Pinback, Seam, Pavement. Yeah - ALL OF YOU!
Playing as a proper rock 3 piece, Dinosaur style, with Steve from Projections/Blood Red Shoes playing drums.
Chris Leo (of The Van Pelt/Lapse) once told the Damn You! crew what ‘emo’ means: Ex Members Of. So forgive us when we tell you that Scarecrows have folks from The Murder Of Rosa Luxemburg in the their ranks. But if you’re expecting a Dr Spock spazz-out that morphs into The Owls midway then you’re going to be disappointed. Scarecrows work in a different field (get it?!). Taking their cues from the choice instrumentation employed by Jaga Jazzist or the unpredictability of Joan Of Arc, Scarecrows are about tones and shifting, accessible layers. Good sh*t!
Wednesday 5th April, 8.30pm start
Bunkers Hill Inn, Nottingham
£3 adv / £4 door