Miss Black America News 26 Jan 06
(Originally posted on our MySpace -
Current mood: Sterbulastic
Hi everyone
Our old and creaky website has been finally laid to rest after 6 stonking years of musical filth, calm contemplation, raging arguments and an apparently widerife fixation with sticking pointy things up people's bottoms. We'd like to thank Dan Ramsay (or, as no-one calls him, "Dan The Man") for 6 years of us not paying him any money. He is legend.
We're putting the finishing touches to a BRAND NEW WEBSITE, which will feature a much more comprehensive (and up-to-date) lyrics/discography section, forum, photo gallery, GAMES, more downloads, and an MBA radio streaming thingy. PLUS, the old site will be archived on there, so you can still laugh at pictures of me and Greg from The Visions trying to look like Richey Edwards in 1999. Should you so wish.
In the meantime, we've updated our MySpace a bit and added some sexy new photos, different songs off 'Terminal' to listen to, and made the background all black and 'ting. There's more songs to listen to on the new Ruby Slippers Records MySpace page, which I've been fiddling with over the last couple of days while they overhaul the RSR website proper (which, as you can see, currently looks like a big pile of Travis).
We've also got some gigs booked, and a tour planned for April. Woo.
On the relaunched MBA site will be a completely new and exciting lyrics section, which details every song we've ever released, what the lyrics are about, how it was written and recorded and all the usual drivel you'd expect to come spilling out of my GREAT BIG MIND. You'll have to wait a few weeks to see it on the site, BUT if you like I'll e-mail you a Word file version for your reading pleasure in a place without computers, like on the bus, or the toilet (unless you have a DIGITAL TOILET full of VIRTUAL POO).
All you have to do to prove your worth is answer the following question:
On our first album, we had a guitarist, and he was bald. But what was his name? Was it:
a) Gish
b) Gash
c) Gush
d) Good Golly Gosh
or e) Sipmybuttockspushpillarofpissandscattermyfulchpunnetofportlynuppleflush... FUSHEL?
Send your answer to me:
FIRST PERSON TO REPLY GETS A FREE ALBUM, a signed tin of beans and, er... *looks at random stuff on desk...* some elastic bands. Oooh, and a glowstick.
If God is in the details,
love and hugs from Seymour xxx