hooker + Jeremy Smoking Jacket 11 Feb
Hooker + Jeremy Smoking Jacket + Moonface
Sat 11 Feb/ Sad 11 Chwef
Chapter Arts Centre
8.00pm doors open
Hooker bring another highly charged burst of their femme punk genius back to Chapter.
Bristol underground supergroup Jeremy Smoking Jacket features the mighty multiinstrumental talents and wild imaginations of Max Milton, Rose Kemp and SJ Esau:
"pig-fuckingly brilliant... something like a transistor full of white noise being drowned in treacle while a splashy stamp electro buzz centre rides shotgun for a clear, strong, controlled and rather beautiful female lead vocal." Unpeeled
Wales’ finest folk rock troubador, Rhodri Welsh aka Moonface is guaranteed to leave you feeling warm inside with a little tear in the corner of your eye.
Tel: 029 20304400
or go to: More info on the bands and Chapter at :
"I love Mclusky. I love Sleater Kinney. I now officially love Hooker as they sound like the two bands combined, and they’re northern, which gives them extra points. Whipcrack smart songs with sass and snarl spew from Zoe McVeigh, her voice a feral cat scratching at anyone standing in its way." Natalie Boxall Plan B site review
Recent review from Tim Proctor: