the CHILdren 21st January
Saturday 21st January 2006 the CHILdren/Gokarnas/English Tea @ the Yorkshire House, Parliament Street, Lancaster
The CHILdren are from Manchester and are an amazing band formed in 2004. When I saw them in December, I was hungover and not in the mood to be out, but as soon as they started playing, they lifted me (and everyone else) right up – their passion, energy and enthusiasm being infectious! People have said they sound like the Doors. I think this is mainly due to the organ. Seriously, you should check this band out! Personally, I’m not a fan of Paul Weller, but he says the Children deserve to be signed and he’s right!!!
The Gokarnas formed in 2005. They are from Lancaster and are a 3-piece indie-rock band. They combine 60’s garage-rock with 70’s new wave moves, which coupled with their 3-part harmonies sometimes sounds a little like early Super Furry Animals, but dirtier! Their debut 3-track CD, “Dream a Dream� is launched at the gig for a bargainous £1!!
The English Tea are the brainchild of Martin Chitty, who has developed a huge local following. Impressively, he’s formed the band out of 3 other solo artists who have been doing nicely for themselves too: Benjamin Angus, Steve Morgan and the man known as One Chip Potato!! This will be quite a gig, and their debut!
All this for just £2!!!!
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